
Friday, 22 May 2015

The Market

As a girl named Nataleya walked though the market  she could smell a yuck smell of fish. She and her two friends named Deja and Berlin they all walk there to get some food and to walk around.

It was 9 o'clock when Nataleya had been to get some food at the night market when Deja got very thirsty. So Berlin, Nataleya and Deja went to try find a shop that had some drinks when Berlin got very sidetracked from walking. Then she walking passed a shop and stop there.

Nataleya and Deja didn’t know that Berlin had stopped at a shop.

Finally Deja and Nataleya had found a shop that had a drink when studently Nataleya asked Deja “Wheres Berlin” she said. Noumyer saw a blue selfie stick that she like and really wanted to by it.

Deja said to Nataleya that “Berlin’s bag was on my back” Deja gassed to Nataleya that there was a familiar food in the air.

It was the last blue selfie stick that was on the shelf and Berlin didn't want to leave the shop in case someone else will by it so bad she hide it in a place it didn't belong in. So she ran to try find them but she get lost. On the ground there was puddles of mud and swashed fruit.

Then when Deja and Nataleya were looking around the whole Market when Nataleya spotted Berlin running when she grab her. and that was her night at the Market.

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