
Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Man's best friend...

Dogs are man’s best friends.

What is the meaning of a man’s best friend. Well a man’s best friend is a dog. Have you ever wonder why it ain't a human bean.

Dogs can be called a man’s best friend maybe because they can help by chasing the sheep and many other things.

Dog have a keen sense of smell.

They can be used for smelling drugs or fruit in the airport. The dogs stop people bringing in fruit to stop pest from coming into our country. They also let dogs go and sniff people if they have explosifs. If they find drugs or fruit at the airport they get given a food reward.

Police dogs can track down people that steal from shops or the bank. Police dogs can track people if they rob peoples house or if any person gets lost in the bushes. When people rob someone’s house there could be evidence left over.

Blind dog’s

Guide dogs are taught how to guide their handlers around hazards. Dogs help people cross the road safely. They act like the blind person's eyes.

This is why I think that a man’s best friend is a dog because they help blind people, they can be police dogs, and they have a keen sense of smell.

Thursday, 4 June 2015


I felt a strike of sun shine right into my face. I was floating on the sea, relaxing. I noticed that there was a weird shape in the water. As I gazed at it, it looked very big. It looked smaller than a whale. I quickly turned over to see what it was. It looked as it was circling me. As I felt goosebumps tickle my neck I felt like I was going to die.

Friday, 22 May 2015

The Market

As a girl named Nataleya walked though the market  she could smell a yuck smell of fish. She and her two friends named Deja and Berlin they all walk there to get some food and to walk around.

It was 9 o'clock when Nataleya had been to get some food at the night market when Deja got very thirsty. So Berlin, Nataleya and Deja went to try find a shop that had some drinks when Berlin got very sidetracked from walking. Then she walking passed a shop and stop there.

Nataleya and Deja didn’t know that Berlin had stopped at a shop.

Finally Deja and Nataleya had found a shop that had a drink when studently Nataleya asked Deja “Wheres Berlin” she said. Noumyer saw a blue selfie stick that she like and really wanted to by it.

Deja said to Nataleya that “Berlin’s bag was on my back” Deja gassed to Nataleya that there was a familiar food in the air.

It was the last blue selfie stick that was on the shelf and Berlin didn't want to leave the shop in case someone else will by it so bad she hide it in a place it didn't belong in. So she ran to try find them but she get lost. On the ground there was puddles of mud and swashed fruit.

Then when Deja and Nataleya were looking around the whole Market when Nataleya spotted Berlin running when she grab her. and that was her night at the Market.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Oakley Creek

The Oakley Creek Oakley Creek always is flooding when it rains lots. The house that are near Oakley Creek also floods when it rains. So the city council has decided to rebuild the concrete side. My ideas for building a park are That there should be a fling fox to a water playground over the creek. At the end there will be 3 tyers. On the water play ground there should be a water slide, sprinklers, pool and lots of water objects. When it rain it won’t flood it would make the water playground water go faster and it will make the pool go deeper. The city council has also decided to take the concrete sides out of Oakley Creek. I think that the city council would do a amazing job on Oakley creek.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Name:Peace Date:25/02/2015 The great egg drop.✌✌ On one sunny, windy, Monday afternoon some students in Room 20 did a great egg drop. They all designed a device to protect and cushion an egg from breaking off a high height to the ground below.✌✌✌ There were six contestants but two were away and only four competed. Three egg survived and one creaked opened. The two students that were away did their great egg drop. The two eggs that was cushion didn't crack from a high height. All the six contestants drop their eggs from the Owairaka school senia playground. All the six contestants all cushioned their devices so it survives but one egg creaked and 5 eggs survived. The End